To achieve your online advertising projects, contact a web agency.

Create your company’s visual identity by designing a logo, typography, choice of website colors… Fashion Fairy is a good example.

With online advertising, as it was created for Fashion Style And Glamour, you can advertise effectively and economically. These ads target prospects and customers.

The community manager performs a variety of tasks. They manage a site’s presence on social networks while communicating with customers. To achieve this, there are a number of tools available to help these specialists. These tools have been used while working on Dress Shop, for example.

A community manager or CM is in charge of animating and leading the member communities of networks, sites and other Internet media.

Under certain conditions, Google will display certain social network content in search results. Shared links across social media help companies gain visibility. Google does not consider these clues in these rankings.

Although social networks have no direct impact on natural referencing, it is however recommended to invest in Social Media Optimization.

Buzz marketing or viral campaign is a technique used by professionals to ensure the promotion of a product and gain notoriety. Marketing professionals use this practice when a new product comes on the market. In principle, the purpose of buzz is to provoke reactions, polemics, and draw attention to a new concept.

Appeared around 2010 at the time of the development of NTEC, the concept has evolved enormously thanks to the popularity and emergence of social networks.

Changing the appearance of an Internet platform.

To create a website, you will need to subscribe to a web host.

To succeed in natural SEO, you have to put yourself in the user’s shoes.

Define your objectives, respect an editorial charter, write in a concise style…

Maintenance helps site owners update their WordPress portal.

Internet users judge a site by its design, content and intuitive navigation.

The responsive design was created to optimize the browsing experience of Internet users. This technique allows a site to be accessible through different devices: reader, computer, smartphone or tablet.

Thanks to responsive web design, a portal automatically adapts to the screen resolutions of certain devices. This technique represents a strategic solution.

The mini-website is an ideal portal for the organization of an event. Its objective is to offer Internet users a communication space dedicated to the project. It can be used to transmit practical information on a specific event and manage registrations. It can also be used to present post-event content (videos and photos).